Monday, 28 March 2011


Why Allegory Now?

A One-Day International Conference

International Anthony Burgess Foundation, 1st April 2011

9.15 - 9.45        Registration

9.45 – 10.00    Welcome

10.00 - 11.00   Keynote Address
Dr. Roger Pooley (Keele University)
‘The Reformed Allegorist’

11.00 - 11.15     Break

11.15 - 12.45      Panel 1

History, Language and Allegory in Early Modern English Literature
Chair: Dr. Andrew Crome (University of Manchester)

Kathy Frances (University of Manchester), ‘Judging the Medieval Past in the Protestant Present: The Problem of Allegory in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure

Prof. John Halbrooks (University of South Alabama), ‘Spenser, the Allegorical Hero and the Invention of the English Middles Ages’

Liam Haydon (University of Manchester), ‘“Thus they relate, erring”: Allegorical Competition in Paradise Lost

12.45 - 1.30      Lunch

1.30 – 3.00      Panel 2

Readings of and Responses to Walter Benjamin’s Theory of Allegory
Chair: Dr. Andrew Frayn (University of Manchester)

James Smith (University of Manchester), ‘Freud, Shakespeare and “Superficial Allegorical Interpretation”’

Philip Homburg (University of Sussex), ‘Walter Benjamin’s Post-Hegelian Critique of Symbolism’

Grace Hellyer (University of New South Wales), ‘Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Gothic Romances: Allegory and Political Modernity’

3.00 - 3.15        Break

3.15 - 5.15         Panel 3

Allegory Now: Politics and Propaganda
Chair: Prof. Smadar Lavie (University of Minnesota)

Dr. Talinn Grigor (Brandeis University), ‘Allegory of Absence: The Green around the White Tower in Tehran

Jacob Birken (Karlsruhe University), ‘Forbidden Transfers: Allegory and Propaganda’

Dr. Matthew Boswell (Salford University), ‘Holocaust Impiety in Art Spiegelman’s Maus

Dr. Jonathan Olson (University of Liverpool), ‘The Allegories of Pixar’s Relationship to Disney (both Walt and Co.) in Ratatouille and WALL-E

5.15 - 6.15         Keynote Address
                        Prof. Jeremy Tambling (University of Manchester)
‘Allegory, Caricature and the Egyptian Renaissance’

6.15 - 7.00       Wine reception

You are also invited to attend a meal following the wine reception.

For more information please email Jade and Matt at

Friday, 28 January 2011

Registration Open

Registration for the 'Why Allegory Now?' international conference is now open.

The conference will take place on Friday 1st April 2011 at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester.

Please email for a copy of the registration form and information regarding travel, accommodation and eating out. There will be a conference meal following the event, details of which will be confirmed at a later date but we anticipate that this will cost around £15 - £20. Please tick the relevant box if you would like to attend this meal. The registration form can either be completed electronically and emailed to this address or completed by hand and returned to the address on page 1 of the form. Registration closes on Friday 25th March 2011.

Please note that there are 20 x £5 fee reduction bursaries available from the Royal Historical Society and 20 x £5 fee reduction bursaries available from the Society for Renaissance Studies. Postgraduates working in either History or Renaissance-related areas are eligible for these bursaries and they will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Please tick the relevant box on the registration form if you would like to be considered for either of these fee reductions.

A provisional programme of the day's panels can be found below and if you have any queries regarding the conference please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Provisional Programme

Why Allegory Now?

A One-Day International Conference
International Anthony Burgess Foundation, 1st April 2011

9.00 - 9.30      Registration

9.30 - 9.45       Welcome

9.45 - 10.45      Keynote Address
Dr. Roger Pooley (Keele University), ‘The Reformed Allegorist’

10.45 - 11.00    Break

11.00 - 12.30    Panel 1

History, Language and Allegory in Early Modern English Literature
Chair: Dr. Andrew Crome (University of Manchester)

Kathy Frances (University of Manchester), ‘Judging the Medieval Past in the Protestant Present: The Problem of Allegory in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure

Prof. John Halbrooks (University of South Alabama), ‘Spenser, the Allegorical Hero and the Invention of the English Middles Ages’

Liam Haydon (University of Manchester), ‘“Thus they relate, erring”: Allegorical Competition in Paradise Lost

12.30 - 1.15       Lunch

1.15 - 2.45         Panel 2

Readings of and Responses to Walter Benjamin’s Theory of Allegory
Chair: Dr. Andrew Frayn (University of Manchester)

James Smith (University of Manchester), ‘Freud, Shakespeare and “Superficial Allegorical Interpretation”’

Philip Homburg (University of Sussex), ‘Walter Benjamin’s Post-Hegelian Critique of Symbolism’

Grace Hellyer (University of New South Wales), ‘Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Gothic Romances: Allegory and Political Modernity’

2.45 - 3.00       Break

3.00 - 5.00      Panel 3

Allegory Now: Politics and Propaganda
Chair: Prof. Smadar Lavie (University of Minnesota)

Dr. Talinn Grigor (Brandeis University), ‘Allegory of Absence: The Green around the White Tower in Tehran

Jacob Birken (Karlsruhe University), ‘Forbidden Transfers: Allegory and Propaganda’

Dr. Matthew Boswell (Salford University), ‘Holocaust Impiety in Art Spiegelman’s Maus

Dr. Jonathan Olson (University of Liverpool), ‘The Allegories of Pixar’s Relationship to Disney (both Walt and Co.) in Ratatouille and WALL-E

5.00 - 6.00      Keynote Address
                        Prof. Jeremy Tambling (University of Manchester), Title TBC

6.00 - 7.00      Wine reception

You are also invited to attend a meal following the wine reception.

For more information please email Jade and Matt at